The next island that we've explored was the Guyam island. It's my 2nd time in this island. We've spent some time here chit-catting with one another. We were so busy talking not noticing that our boat was sailing away on it's own. The boatman had to swim to the boat's location so that he could bring it back to us, if not, we will be spending our evening in the island with nothing to eat.
Day 2: Bucas Grande Islands in Socorro. Our destination includes, The jelly fish sanctuary, Sohoton cove trip, had to pass through the cave in order to see the enchanting beauty of the place. Passageway to the cave is dependent on the tide, if you're unconscious with the rise and fall of the water level, you'll end up being trapped, unless you're brave enough to climb up those small mountains surrounding the place. We also explore Hagukan cave, a cave with small opening, but when you get inside, you will see a large dome shaped cave. Water is luminous green and warmer inside the cave, too bad, I just realized I am claustrophobic and I felt some eeriness at that time so I had to swim out of the cave.
Another cave that we've visited was Magkukuob cave.It is known for it's stalactite and stalagmite formations.If you are into extreme experiences, you can climb up to the cave, where you will climb down a bit to reach the jumping deck. The jumping deck looks short when viewed up from the boat. But when you are standing on the jumping deck, the height to jump off increased, it is because, when you are at the top, the total height your seeing is the actual height of the viewing deck from the water plus your height. And because the water is so clear, the height will increase tremendously because you'll be seeing the thing underneath. I suggest you do the jumping for extreme experience, it is a one of a lifetime experience that is worth remembering. The height you'll be jumping off is about 18 feet.
Before we go back to General Luna, since we have booked the speedboat for the rest of the day, we had some few stop over at Markaa beach and Naked island.

The enchanting Bucas Grande.
Side trip to Markaa beach.
Side trip to Naked island. Be sure to apply sunscreen before stepping a foot to this island, you could get roasted alive if you go here when the sun has already shine to it's might.
Day 3: Surfing lessons at Cloud 9 and Magpupungko Part 2 (for me).
Siargao experience will never be complete without trying to surf. We've spent the whole morning of the 3rd day for a surfing lesson. Only one of our friend was able to stand and surf using the the board. The rest of us failed, but we still enjoyed riding with the surfing board with the waves pushing us to the shore.
The surfers and their surfing experience
Swimming at Magpupungko beach.